Genesis — Jesus is the Word of God, creating the heavens and the earth; He is the promised Seed of the woman

Exodus — Jesus is the Passover lamb

Leviticus — Jesus is the high priest and representative of the tabernacle; He is the lampstand, He is the showbread, and He is the sacrifice on the altar

Numbers — Jesus is the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night and the smitten rock that gives living water

Deuteronomy — Jesus is the prophet greater than Moses

Joshua — Jesus is the Commander of the Army of the Lord, leading His people into the Promised Land

Judges — Jesus is the true and final judge

Ruth — Jesus is the kinsman redeemer

1 & 2 Samuel — Jesus is the anointed shepherd king who slays the giant

1 & 2 Kings — Jesus is the righteous King of Kings and Lord of Lords

1 & 2 Chronicles — Jesus is the faithful restorer of the kingdom

Ezra — Jesus is the faithful restorer of the temple

Nehemiah — Jesus is the redeeming rebuilder of the walls

Esther — Jesus is the sovereign protector of His people

Job — Jesus is the living redeemer and our true comforter

Psalms — Jesus is the Good Shepherd who hears our cries

Proverbs — Jesus is wisdom

Ecclesiastes — Jesus is the meaning of life

Song of Solomon — Jesus is the loving bridegroom coming for His bride

Isaiah — Jesus is the promised Messiah; the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace; the Suffering Servant wounded for our transgression and bruised for our iniquities

Jeremiah — Jesus is the Potter and the Righteous Branch

Lamentations — Jesus is the weeping prophet

Ezekiel — Jesus is the river of life, bringing healing to the nations

Daniel — Jesus is the fourth man in the fiery furnace

Hosea — Jesus is the ever-faithful husband pursuing His unfaithful bride

Joel — Jesus is the restorer of what the locusts have eaten and the One who will pour His Spirit on His people

Amos — Jesus is the burden-bearer and the true restoration

Obadiah — Jesus is the judge of all the earth and mighty to save

Jonah — Jesus is the salvation of all lands and the prophet cast out in the storm who spent three days in the depths

Micah — Jesus is the promised Messiah born in Bethlehem

Nahum — Jesus is the avenger of God’s elect

Habakkuk — Jesus is the reason for rejoicing and our strength even when the fields are empty

Zephaniah — Jesus is the preserver and restorer of His remnant and kingdom

Haggai — Jesus is the desire of all nations

Zechariah — Jesus is the cleansing fountain and the pierced Son whom every eye on earth will one day behold

Malachi — Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness, rising with healing in His wings; He is the refiner’s fire


Matthew — Jesus is the King of the Jews

Mark — Jesus is the Servant King

Luke — Jesus is the Son of Man

John — Jesus is the Son of God, the Word made flesh who dwelt among us, and the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world

Acts — Jesus is the risen Lord, bringing salvation to all nations

Romans — Jesus is our justification and the righteousness of God

1 Corinthians — Jesus is the Rock

2 Corinthians — Jesus is our triumph, sanctifying the church

Galatians — Jesus is the liberation that fulfills the law and sets us free

Ephesians — Jesus is the head of the church who gives us God’s armor

Philippians — Jesus is our joy

Colossians — Jesus is the firstborn of all creation and the head of the church

1 Thessalonians — Jesus is coming again with a trumpet and a shout to meet believers in the clouds

2 Thessalonians — Jesus is believers’ patience as they await His return

1 Timothy — Jesus is our mediator between God and man

2 Timothy — Jesus is the Seed of David, raised from the dead, and our salvation

Titus — Jesus is our blessed hope and our faithful pastor

Philemon — Jesus is our Redeemer, restoring us to effective service

Hebrews — Jesus is our High Priest and the author and finisher of our faith

James — Jesus is the One at work in our faith in action

1 Peter — Jesus is the Living Stone, the Chief Cornerstone, and the Rock of Offense

2 Peter — Jesus is the faithful, longsuffering Lord, not willing that any should perish but offering salvation to all

1 John — Jesus is love and the true and eternal God

2 John — Jesus is the truth by which we walk in love

3 John — Jesus is all that is good and a hospitable host

Jude — Jesus is the One who keeps us from stumbling and presents us blameless with great joy

Revelation — Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Source: GotQuestions